Join The High River Ag Society

Yearly memberships provide benefits such as access to the arena during public riding time slots. Also, on the grounds is the historical tractor museum 'Call of the West Museum' and 'Eamon's Historic Gas Station' for the public to enjoy.

Become A Member:

Any individual can become a member who is interested in the objectives of the Society and a resident of the province of Alberta.

The annual membership fee for the High River Agricultural Society is:

  • $50.00 per year for a Single Youth (<18)

  • $75.00 per year for a Single Adult

  • $150.00 per year for a family membership (4 or less)

  • $175.00 per year for a family membership (5 or more)

Riding Pass:

  • Single Riding Pass $250.00 Family riding Pass $350.00

  • Riding passes are based on two horses each additional horse is $10.00

The membership fee entitles the individual to the full privileges and responsibilities of membership, including the right to be elected to office and vote in the election for the Board of Directors.

Click the button below to download a pdf copy of our Membership Application Form and Waiver.